Wednesday, March 26, 2008

its SIC! not SLC, Punk!‏

the only time you would hear me utter the word sick is if i was literally sick. ill. (although i love a little "you be illin'") not feeling well. although i have heard many people rock the word sick. it's has not been in my vocab. i said it once. it did not turn out how the laguna beach kids delivered it. i have a limited vocab which i feel i may not be, dare i say it, hip enough to rock. or dumb enough. hecka. can't do it!! canNOT do it. say hella..come on.. you can do it.. also, as I told my friend lori the other day.. Holla. Can't do that one unless I am singing it... and even then, I cringe. I am going to go with the old-fashioned... "HOLLER" because it is more funny. that's why.

i have to be honest. i have almost said many times because let's face it.. if ryan sheckler can say it, i sure can!!!

one day, i was watching america's next best dance crew and guess what!?!?! the only way that i could describe the jabbas was with the word - sick. it came out and has been going strong ever since. overused? probably. now, i just can't stop. i even called my friend in sf and asked her if it was sic. or sick? she emailed me back that maybe it is S.I.C. - So Incredibly Cool. Love it. I figure she has the right to say it since she lives in CA and has been a California Girl before she actually was a California Girl.

SIC or SICK. Its here to stay.


Lori said...

I have one word to say...HOLLA! That's one SIC blog. wud up!

WorshipKrista said...

I prefer HOLLER myself. I also prefer Tim Noah over The Wiggles, Neon over Pastel and Joey over Jordan.