Sunday, June 29, 2008

i know that i have met some great people as of late. amazing people. wow. authentic people. that doesn' t happen everyday.

one person that i treasure is dara. she has been such a great friend to me. i couldn't ask for a better friend that loves me for ME!

who loves you for you?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Who is Jeremy Bentham!?

What did I do on Thursday night? I watched the Season Finale of LOST! I laughed (Sawyer calling the helicopter pilot, Kenny Rogers!), I gasped, I almost shed a tear. I am kind of over Trajic Jack -- at the same time, I love him!!

Well LOST -- you went out like THAT, I'll see you next season.

What show will you miss this Summer?

P.S. I had a better, longer blog but I lost it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

its SIC! not SLC, Punk!‏

the only time you would hear me utter the word sick is if i was literally sick. ill. (although i love a little "you be illin'") not feeling well. although i have heard many people rock the word sick. it's has not been in my vocab. i said it once. it did not turn out how the laguna beach kids delivered it. i have a limited vocab which i feel i may not be, dare i say it, hip enough to rock. or dumb enough. hecka. can't do it!! canNOT do it. say hella..come on.. you can do it.. also, as I told my friend lori the other day.. Holla. Can't do that one unless I am singing it... and even then, I cringe. I am going to go with the old-fashioned... "HOLLER" because it is more funny. that's why.

i have to be honest. i have almost said many times because let's face it.. if ryan sheckler can say it, i sure can!!!

one day, i was watching america's next best dance crew and guess what!?!?! the only way that i could describe the jabbas was with the word - sick. it came out and has been going strong ever since. overused? probably. now, i just can't stop. i even called my friend in sf and asked her if it was sic. or sick? she emailed me back that maybe it is S.I.C. - So Incredibly Cool. Love it. I figure she has the right to say it since she lives in CA and has been a California Girl before she actually was a California Girl.

SIC or SICK. Its here to stay.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Still waiting for my Lemon-blog-a...

This is turning out to be an uneventful Saturday night.

I am trying to figure out if I should really download Gavin DeGraw's new single. I am still mad at him for not coming out with ANYTHING, except that song from Tristan & Isolde which wasn't really what I had in mind, since 2004. Thanks to my friend Shawn, I met him on the streets of Seattle before we saw him open for Maroon 5. Then during my winning streak from the Kiss 106.1 I went to his private performance. I stood in line like a teenager and had him sign my poster "To Melinda - You Sexy Machine". I see him in San Francisco after Bay to Breakers (see picture - he's in the orange tshirt with cowboy hat.) along with seeing him another time in Seattle. Alright. I am already listening to "In Love With A Girl" his new single. .. and in my ear I hear.. "Its been a long time, I shouldn't left you without a dope beat to step to, step to." This is the remix. The real question is .. Do I go to iTunes for new Janet or not?

I really need to be cleaning right now, I have family coming into town next weekend. Yet, I am listening to my new iTunes material. I really want to be dancing to Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop the Music" at a place with all my girlfriends but only if I could be wearing my pj's. We all have dreams. On the other hand, Arrested Development is sounding really really good too. mmmm... Marry Me.

This will be a really uneventful night.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thriller, Thriller Night.

I love- love - love my friend Lori. She is an amazing, classy, funny, beautiful woman and I know that we were destined to be friends. One of the best friends that I have. Our paths almost crossed many times before we actually met, in college, my freshman year.

One of the first things Lor told me about herself was that she took break dancing lessons when she was younger. I was impressed. All I did was make up gymnastics routines to "Thriller" when I was six, in my leotard at Jonie Boyd's house after school. She told me that all you had to have was "a card board box and one sparkly glove like Michael Jackson," I started rollin' (laughing) -- who makes up this crap!??! Genius! (The story was false but the laugh was REAL!) I knew we would have many more laughs to come and we have because we are the funniest people we know. Also, I always think of Lori anytime the Prince of Pop -- or wait? Is he the King of Pop? Is Bobby Brown the Prince of Pop? Or is Elton John the King.. no -- he's the Queen of Pop. Well, whenever I hear Michael Jackson -- I think of Miss Lori and it brings a smile to my face and a vision of her breakin' in the middle of Seattle Center with all of the cool breaker kids.

It was no surprise to me that Lor called me Tuesday to tell me that she had just purchased Thriller 25th Year Edition at Costco that night.. and on the heel of the Lunar eclipse. If that isn't Thriller Night, I don't know what is. You can't front on that.

It made me think.. when people think of me.. does a song ring in their head. Does Justin Timberlake pulse in their veins? Maybe a little Janet, Miss Jackson (if you're nasty), Coldplay?

I was a junior the year Kurt Cobain died.. I listened to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains.. it was just mandatory back then. All the cool kids did it, but did I love it or was it just my need to fit in? I thought listening to pop music was uncool. I just wanted to be cool. Not that I don't love me some Rage Against The Machine, Sublime, Jane's Addiction (yeah-yer!) and the Beasties. Anyway, now I love pop.. (again) maybe it just makes me feel good and happy and silly and I am not an angsty 17-year old. Am I cooler for liking British Pop? Jury is still out on that one.

Did I mention I have step throat and I am going crazy doing nothing.. so there will be no spell check or anything.. deal.

My Pop Song of the Moment : Jordin Sparks (can't get more poppy than A.I.) and Chris Brown (such talent) - No Air

Monday, February 18, 2008

Finally, right!?

Here it goes. I am blogging.

*Blog Disclaimer* Run-on sentences are my life. I am just sayin'. I am putting it all out there. Feel free to correct my grammar. I am completely cool with that.

It was recently brought to my attention that I can be really, really funny. I agree. So I thought that I could meet my secret need to write.

Even though I may have one person read my blog.. that's okay.. I'll deal. Although, a cult following would be nice.

I am going to watch How I Met Your Mother (repeat. sad.) - - Writer's Strike Over. ... Hallelujah!